Fight plastic pollution every time you eat out!
PlasticScore is a crowdsourced zero waste rating for restaurants. We fund plastic waste offsets for every review, and use the data to help create a world free of plastic pollution!
Find great food, without the trash:
Browse the zero waste ratings of restaurants to help reduce your waste footprint when dining out or getting takeout!
Our turtle-powered rating system makes it easy to know if you’ll get a lot of styrofoam and plastic or more sustainable practices.
Leave reviews and feedback:
Contribute to our community and help others know what kind of waste practices to expect before going to a restaurant.
Not a sustainability expert? No problem! We guide you through a few questions about your experience and calculate the score for you.
Offset plastic waste:
For every review you leave, well recover a takeout orders worth of plastic waste from the environment.
Didnt get any waste with your meal? Even better. That means were pulling out more waste than is being put in.
Make a difference:
We use the data from your reviews to give restaurants targeted recommendations for how to improve, and the transparency from our rating creates healthy competition between restaurants to reduce waste.
With enough reviewers, we can license our rating to the big review sites, get restaurants everywhere to pay attention to reducing waste, and bring an end to trashy dining!